Behind the Lens
Photography is my passion and my outlet. By day, I am an engineer helping grow Boston's infrastructure. Away from that world, I find balance in the perspective I get when the world is confined within my lens.
My focus has always been on the faces I'm able to capture. Even on vacation, I will much sooner take a picture of a local Chinese man smoking a cigarette on the temple stairs than take a picture of the temple itself. That interest in people and their intimate, candid moments is what drives me in all my projects. I will very rarely pose a shot and best of all, I'm not afraid to make a mistake because I find some mistakes to be the best accidental art.
Origin of the Happy Zebra
My name is not what you would say "easy to spell" so I decided to make it a little easier. I blame my friends for starting the nickname years ago and eternalizing it in Happy Zebra Photography now. What's most important is how well it defines my style of photography. Zebras are typically agitated animals and a happy zebra is not only rare but also perhaps nonexistent. Until now. Here. So you can say I'm the embodiment of a different kind of zebra... the one going against the grain. And keeping, likewise, my photography in the same realm by providing you with a twist to photography that will make your memories not just photos but art.
"Why here" some will ask? Simple. Because you'll remember it. And you'll spread the word. So start spreading, friends! Thanks and welcome to Happy Zebra Photography! And remember to keep smiling; there's a Happy Zebra inside all of us!

Natasha Velickovic
Owner, Photographer and Happy Zebra